We call ourselves the “U-Pick Marathon Cast of Characters,” but you can call us what you like.

Legend has it, the great and powerful Quetzalcoatl saw a ferret enjoying himself in a field. Jealous of the small mammal’s happiness, Quetzalcoatl descended from the heavens and cursed the poor ferret to live his life as a man. That man-ferret is Jimmy.
UPickVG 5 shifts: Friday June 3rd, 8pm – Midnight & Sunday June 5th, Midnight – 4am

Horse Parties
Bio not available. Horse Parties is too cool for school.
UPickVG 5 shift: Saturday June 4th, Midnight – 4am

Colin enjoys riding horses, saving princesses, and long walks on the beach. Yes, he’s hysterical. He knows it.
UPickVG 5 shift: Saturday June 4th, 4am – 8am

Chip Chasterson
Chip Chasterson is a recovering scientist who enjoys cooking, slice-of-life anime, and writing about video games with his wife at Games I Made My Girlfriend Play. He’s easy to spot in a crowd, just look for the tallest guy- drinking craft beer and giving giant bear hugs.
UPickVG 5 shifts: Saturday June 4th, 8am – Noon & Sunday June 5th, 8am – Noon

Nighthawk has no bio. Nighthawk NEEDS no bio. His reputation precedes him, unless it doesn’t, in which case he is a bit of a mystery. #pcmasterrace #thanksObama #hashtags #smokeyeye
UPickVG 5 shift: Saturday June 4th, Noon – 4pm

The space-and-NASA-obsessed, Joss-Whedon-fangirling, caffeine allergic, totally insane founder of UPickVG. It is well-known that Stephonee is afraid of ducks, loves spreadsheets, and just can’t do platformers to save her [character’s] life. She’s also responsible for most of the social media and blogging around these parts.
UPickVG 5 shifts: Saturday June 4th, 4pm – 8pm & Sunday June 5th, 4pm – 8pm

Somehow, we convinced Grant to take time away from beating 3DS games so that he can help with this charity marathon. Occasionally he reviews games on our blog, when the rest of us aren’t looking.
UPickVG 5 shift: Saturday June 4th, 8pm – Midnight

Super Chloe
Chloe is a human being with a degree in math and a specialty in statistics. Many have suspected that she is a robot, citing as evidence the fact that she does not sleep, and the fact that her thumbs are incapable of two joystick controls. Her hobbies outside gaming include learning, teaching, knitting, and messing with spreadsheets. She has many non-robot passions, interests, and attributes. We cannot, at this time, confirm that she is not a robot.
UPickVG 5 shift: Sunday June 5th, 4am – 8am

Tracy stalked a suspicious squirrel for 3 days straight, but never managed to get any dirt on it.
UPickVG 5 shift: Sunday June 5th, Noon – 4pm
Moar Volunteers:

Gengar geng geng Gengar GENGAR gar geng Gengaaaaaar. Geng geng Gengar, Gengar Geng. Gaaaaaaaar. Gengar!

Greg: the nicest guy who has ever beaten you at a Friday Night Magic event.

Doctor Gyarados
He’s not a real doctor, but he is a real worm; he is an actual worm. Gyarados. Whatever.