Stephonee and Chip on the RetroNick Radio Podcast

There’s no time like several weeks too late to post about a podcast appearance, amirite? Alright, alright, we’re sorry.

So first, RetroNick radio had Chip and Stephonee on the show a few weeks before the December Marathon to grill us about the upcoming shenanigans. You can have a listen below, or even a watch with the YouTube link! (Warning: much Batman.)

RetroNick Radio Episode 70: Super U-Pick VG Charity 64


Audio Player



And a few months later, Stephonee was invited back on the show for more torture enjoyable banter during her unfortunate period of unemployment:

RetroNick Radio Episode 75: Just Die Already!


Audio Player



Thanks to RetroNick and Steve for having us on the show… and sorry we suck at mentioning that here on the blog in a timely manner. It will probably happen again.

Interview on the Pokémon Battle Evolution Podcast

Players Chip and Stephonee recently had a chance to sit down for an interview on the Pokémon Battle Evolution podcast! We discussed the upcoming marathon, the reasoning for some of the games on our Available Games List this year, and of course, Pokémon Snap.

Give it a listen, or download the podcast interview for later enjoyment on your iThingie, Android, or whatever.  And of course, if you’re a Pokémon fan, check out other episodes of the podcast!

Don’t forget: if Pokémon Snap is your kind of rail shooter, you can always donate for it and/or vote for it to see us play it during the last weekend of 2013!

The Mayhem Begins December 27th

Donations are open now! Visit our list of available games for this year’s broadcast, pick your favorite, then head on over to our charity: water fundraising page to vote. Your donation will earn points for the game of your choice, while helping to bring clean water to people who desperately need it in Ethiopia and Cambodia.

Want some daily video game goodness while you wait for our live broadcast? We’ve got you covered! Every weekday we do a “Game Of The Day” featuring one of the 52 games from our list on each of our social media accounts:

Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Tumblr

See you back here for the live broadcast at 7:00 PM EST, Friday December 27th!