There’s no time like several weeks too late to post about a podcast appearance, amirite? Alright, alright, we’re sorry.
So first, RetroNick radio had Chip and Stephonee on the show a few weeks before the December Marathon to grill us about the upcoming shenanigans. You can have a listen below, or even a watch with the YouTube link! (Warning: much Batman.)
RetroNick Radio Episode 70: Super U-Pick VG Charity 64
Audio PlayerWatch:
And a few months later, Stephonee was invited back on the show for more torture enjoyable banter during her unfortunate period of unemployment:
RetroNick Radio Episode 75: Just Die Already!
Audio PlayerWatch:
Thanks to RetroNick and Steve for having us on the show… and sorry we suck at mentioning that here on the blog in a timely manner. It will probably happen again.