Gaze Into the Iris! Karma Points at UPickVG

By | May 31, 2016
Charity Equals Good Karma

Earn Karma Points, Win Prizes!

We have a number of prizes for the UPickVG 5 charity marathon, donated through our sponsors and players.

Prizes? I love prizes!” you say. We do too! Who doesn’t? What prizes do we have? These!

Just a few examples of fabulous prizes we have to give away during UPickVG 5!

How get prizes?” Well my articulate friend, it’s easy. Karma! But this is a more immediate version of karma. The UPickVG Audience Love System (UPVGALS) operates on Karma Points. Earned through regular interactions in our live chat, showing your love for our fundraiser, signing up for the newsletter, and most of all, DONATIONS!

Our fabulous chatbot (MechaGengarBot) has been well trained to log everyone’s Karma points. You can type !karma into chat and see how many you have. Karma points give you bragging rights in the chat: as you earn more Karma, you’ll earn new titles in the chat. Type !rank in our live chat to see your current title, how many points you need to get to the next title, and your rank among all the other chatters.

Karma points can also be traded in for raffle tickets for our fabulous prizes. When a raffle starts (start & end times are all on the Prizes page!), you’ll just tell the bot how many raffle tickets you want to buy with your Karma points. The more Karma you have, the more raffle tickets you can buy! It’s like a carnival, but doesn’t smell like 3 day old hotdogs and you don’t have to wear pants!

When each raffle ends, MechaGengarBot will randomly draw a raffle ticket from it’s little MechaHat and announce the winner in chat. Wow, thanks buddy!

We also regularly update the @UpickVG twitter account when we get ready to raffle off a prize. So, you should like, follow that.

How to Earn Karma Points for UPickVG 5

  • Donate. The hands-down, super best way to earn Karma points is to make a donation to our charity fundraiser. Each $1 USD = 100 Karma points.
  • Participate in our live chat. Talk to us, using your typey talky digits, while we stream UPickVG 5. You’ll earn points every five minutes that you are actively talking in our chat while we’re on air. (But there are no extra points for being extra chatty, so don’t spam. Spammers will be banned, and if you’re banned, you lose all your Karma. No exceptions.)
  • LIMITED TIME: Sign up for our email newsletter. Sign up for the occasional rare email update from us (seriously, we don’t spam), and get 250 bonus Karma points! But only if you do it by 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday, June 2nd. Time’s up!
  • LIMITED TIME: Use Twibbon to add UPickVG flair to your social media. Add a UPickVG badge to your Facebook or Twitter profile picture, get 100 Karma points for each. Add our Facebook cover photo to your profile, that’s another 100. But again, only if you do it before 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday, June 2nd. Time’s up!
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